
This year, we will be holding a joint discussion panel with ARMS.

Topic: How can robotics research and MSDM research inform and guide each other?


  • Paul Scerri is President of Platypus, a company that collects water data with low-cost robotic boats, and a scientist at Perceptronics Solutions, an AI company. He is on leave from CMU-Robotics. His research focuses on how humans can interact with and control large teams of robots to achieve interesting things in real environments.
  • Manuela M. Veloso is Herbert A. Simon Professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, and Visiting Professor on sabbatical leave at CUSP, NYU. She researches in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. She founded and directs the CORAL research laboratory, for the study of multiagent systems where agents Collaborate, Observe, Reason, Act, and Learn. Professor Veloso is IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, and AAAI Fellow. She is also the current President of AAAI, and past President of RoboCup. She received the 2009 ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award for her contributions to agents in uncertain and dynamic environments, including distributed robot localization and world modeling, strategy selection in multiagent systems in the presence of adversaries, and robot learning from demonstration.
  • Matthijs Spaan is an assistant professor at the Algorithmics group, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Prior, he was a senior research scientist at the Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal. His MSDM research interests are: (1) planning under uncertainty, (2) exploitation of domain structure and communication in MSDM problems, and (3) applications of approximate POMDPs to robotic applications. His recent work includes successful demonstrations of POMDP-based cooperation between surveillance cameras and mobile robots.
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